27 Weirdest Cars Ever Made

Kaiser Henry J

Source: Wikimedia

The Henry J was the brainchild of Henry J. Kaiser. Perhaps it’s a little bit arrogant to name the car after your first name and initial when the company is named after your last name. Ignoring that fact though, the Henry J was actually a very cool car.

In addition to having a bit of an ego complex, Henry sort of saw himself as Henry Ford. His goal with the Henry J was to make a vehicle just like the Model T. The car was supposed to be an alternative for people who couldn’t afford new cars and were forced to get into the used car market. It cost only $1,300 at the time (about 13,000 now). Sadly for just a few more dollars, you could get a Chevy that actually worked and had things like windows and a trunk. But this was still a really cool idea.

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