27 Weirdest Cars Ever Made

Nissan Figaro

Source: Wikimedia Commons

When you first look at the Figaro, you have to immediately assume that it’s a car from the 1960’s. But no! Nissan just decided to go for an incredibly retro look. It was actually released in 1991!

The Figaro was a tiny little 2+2 convertible. The roof wasn’t your typical full pull down convertible roof. The center section and the rear window would fold down. It worked almost like an immense moonroof to let people experience the joy of the sun.

The Figaro had some interesting marketing. The colors it was available in were linked to the four seasons. Nissan wanted to release 8000 cars. However, the car was so popular that another 12000 ended up being made to fill the demand for this clever little car.

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